Tunneled a path for you

Zak Kaplan
Feb 12, 2023


Zak Kaplan

“Fucking say it,” I scream

“Say I’m sorry I fucking hurt you”

“Say it so I can say, “It’s okay, I’m sorry I hurt you too.””


But nothing can be said

Passages of time harden that way


Right between where we left off and where we never began


As if in silence a shape holds on

Like death

But with wounds we wound

And forgiveness a shape our own


The unending


Say something kind, for all that was love

so that it doesn’t ever turn into hurt


But nothing can be said


So instead

I say it for you


I’m sorry I hurt you

I know

I’m sorry I hurt you too



Zak Kaplan

Traveler, writer, occasional bread-maker. Experiences of heart-mind. Perspectives on life, love, and loss. A Human condition.